Carving the Divine TV
Hosted by filmmaker Yujiro Seki, Carving the Divine TV is a series of Q&A sessions with Buddhist scholars and practitioners. These Q&A sessions explore the basic concepts of Buddhism and the history of Buddhism so that when viewers finally watch Carving the Divine they will get the maximum value of the documentary.
The Show Must Go on...
Meet Our Special Guests!
Art Historian
Mark Schumacher
Mark Schumacher is an independent researcher who moved to Kamakura (Japan) in 1993 and still lives there today. His website, The A-to-Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Religious Statuary, has been online since 1995. It is widely referenced by universities, museums, art historians, Buddhist practitioners, and lay people from around the world. The site's focus is medieval Japanese religious art, primarily Buddhist, but it also catalogs art from Shintō, Shugendō, Taoist, and other traditions. As of August 2018, it contained 400+ deities and thousands of annotated photos of statuary from Kamakura, Nara, Kyoto, and elsewhere in Japan. The site is searchable. LINK TO A-TO-Z PHOTO DICTIONARY = http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml
Soto Zen Priest
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, is the author of The Deepest Peace: Contemplations From A Season of Stillness; Sanctuary: A Meditation on Home, Homelessness, and Belonging; and The Way of Tenderness: Awakening Through Race, Sexuality, and Gender. More at zenju.org
Eric Ripert
Eric Ripert is the chef and co-owner of the acclaimed New York restaurant Le Bernardin. Born in Antibes, France, Ripert moved to Andorra, a small country just over the Spanish border as a young child. His family instilled their own passion for food in the young Ripert, and at the age of 15 he left home to attend culinary school in Perpignan.At 17, he moved to Paris and cooked at the legendary La Tour D’Argent before taking a position at theMichelin three-starred Jamin. After fulfilling his military service, Ripert returned to Jaminunder Joel Robuchon to serve as chef poissonier. In 1989, Ripert seized the opportunity to work under Jean-Louis Palladin as sous-chef at Jean Louis at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. Ripert moved to New York in 1991, working briefly as David Bouley’s sous-chef before Maguy and Gilbert Le Coze recruited himas chef for Le Bernardin. Ripert has since firmly established himself as one of New York’s—and the world’s—great chefs. In September 2014, Ripert and Le Coze opened Aldo Sohm Wine Bar, named for their acclaimed wine director Aldo Sohm. That same month, the two expanded Le Bernardin’s private dining offerings with Le Bernardin Privé, a dynamic space above Aldo Sohm WineBar that can accommodate a range of events. (Photo by by Nigel Parry)
Shugendo Priest
Shokai Koshikidake
Shokai Koshikidake was born in Hokkaido, Japan. He left his parents’ home for Yamagata to inherit his family temple when he was 10 years old. He learned the basic ritual of Shugendo from his grandparents, studied mountain training in Three Mountains of Dewa, and became an ordained Tendai priest. He opened the mountain training field at Mt. Koshikidake and revived the old ritual from hereditary documents. He accomplished all these reconstruction works while working for a TV station. Now he teaches Japanese and Western practitioners and develops training fields in the world.
Tibetan Buddhism Practitioner
Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Karma Lekshe Tsomo is a professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of San Diego, where she teaches Buddhist Thought and Culture, World Religions, Death and Dying, Images of Enlightenment, and other subjects. She is a founder and past president of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and the founder/director of Jamyang Foundation, an educational initiative that supports study programs for Himalayan nuns in India and Marma girls in Bangladesh. Her publications include Into the Jaws of Yama: Buddhism, Bioethics, and Death; Sisters in Solitude: Two Traditions of Monastic Ethics for Women; and numerous edited works on women in Buddhism. www.sakyadhita.org
Buddhist Artist
Rima Fujita
Rima Fujita was born in Tokyo, lived in New York City for thirty-two years, and now resides in Southern California. She graduated from Parsons School of Design and has exhibited her work internationally to much acclaim and has gained collectors around the world. Rima has won various awards internationally, and received special recognition including from H.H. the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, at the International Peace Summit in Japan. In 2001 Rima established Books for Children, an organization that produces children’s books and donates them to children in need around the world. She has created seven children's books, and has donated more than fifteen thousand books to the Tibetan children in exile. In July 2021 Rima's picture book on H.H.The Dalai Lama's life story for adult readers will be published worldwide. Her books include: Wonder Garden, Wonder Talk, The Little Black Box, Simple Meditation, TB Aware, Save the Himalaya, Rewa, Tibetan Identity and The Day the Buddha Woke Up. Rima’s works have been presented at Rubin Museum of Art (New York), Tagore Gallery (New York & Beverly Hills), Tibet House (New York), Trace Foundation (New York), Isetan Art Gallery (Tokyo), Mingei Museum of Art and San Diego Museum of Art. Her work can be seen online at rimafujita.com.
Peter Bolland
Peter Bolland works in the wisdom business. As a department chair and professor of philosophy and humanities at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, California he’s led thousands of students through deep inquiry into the world’s philosophical, religious, and mythological traditions. He also writes columns for both Unity Magazine and the San Diego Troubadour. A popular speaker, Bolland offers multimedia lecture presentations and guided meditation workshops throughout the southern California region. In addition, he’s also an award winning singer-songwriter and poet. Learn more at www.peterbolland.com
Jodo Shu Priest
Taijun Kasahara
Taijun Kasahara was born in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Keio University, he worked in the accounting department of Nippon Express (a logistics company) for eight years. Then he quit that job and became an official priest of Jodo Shu after learning and training at Bukkyo University in Kyoto. In 2005 he opened a new temple, Rinkaian, in Tama City in Tokyo. As the chief priest of the temple, he has been serving the believers and other people in the area, and also spreading the teachings of Jodo Shu through the Internet.
Shin Buddhism Minister
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi is the resident minister of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego which is part of the Buddhist Churches of America, one of the largest and oldest Buddhist organizations in America. He has a Master’s degree in transpersonal psychology, which enhances his ability to convey Shin Buddhism in a modern, experiential context. He leads annual retreats on Shin Buddhism and has conducted teenage Buddhist Vision Quests. In an earlier career as a dentist, he spent 3 years in Japan as a captain in the US Air Force.
The Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America
Rev. Marvin Harada
Rev. Marvin Harada was born and raised in Eastern Oregon on a family farm. He attended the Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple in his youth. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Religious Studies. Following that, he attended and graduated from the Institute of Buddhist Studies, and then went on to Japan and studied for five years, for two years at Chuo Bukkyo Gakuin, and three years at Ryukoku University, completing a Masters Degree. He was assigned to the Orange County Buddhist Church in 1986 and served there until April of this year when he became the Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America.
Rinzai Zen Abbot
Meido Moore Roshi
Meido Moore Roshi is the abbot of Korinji (www.korinji.org), a Rinzai Zen training monastery near Madison, Wisconsin. He is an 86th-generation Zen dharma heir, and a 48th-generation holder of the Rinzai lineage transmitted to the West by Omori Sogen Roshi, perhaps the most famous Rinzai Zen master of the 20th century.
Meido Roshi's book The Rinzai Zen Way: A Guide to Practice was released by Shambhala Publications in 2018.
Soto Zen Priest
Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton
Taigen Dan Leighton is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma successor in the lineage of San Francisco Zen Center, and also an authorized teacher in the Japanese Soto School. He is now Teacher of the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate temple in Chicago. Taigen trained extensively in Japan as well as in California, living in Kyoto for two years. He is an author, scholar, and translator, who teaches online at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, from where he has a Ph.D. Taigen is the author of Faces of Compassion: Classic Bodhisattva Archetypes and Their Modern Expression, providing background for many of the Buddhist images. His other books include Visions of Awakening Space and Time and Zen Questions: Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry. He is co-translator of a number of Zen texts including Dogen’s Extensive Record and Cultivating the Empty Field. Taigen now works to develop accessible practice and training programs in Chicago area through Ancient Dragon Zen Gate. See: [www,.ancientdragon.org].
Negi/ Senior Shinto Priest of Tsubaki America Shrine
Rev. Lawrence Koichi Barrish
In 1992 Koichi Barrish, an instructor of Aiki-do founded Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja to enshrine the spirit of Sarutahiko-no-O-Kami and the spirit of Morihei Ueshiba No Mikoto (the Kami). Indeed, Koichi Barrish Sensei is no doubt a rare person who has been really trying to overcome the difficulties of understanding the true meaning of Shinto, to continue day and night Gyo (ascetic practice) and Misogi, and who has finally become a Shinto priest - as an American he is the first in Shinto history. Please follow Barrish Sensei and you all can be able to become persons of self-perfection, making your family happier and serving for the benefit of other people and society and for world peace. In Shinto we can have new days that are fulfilling (kokonotari). If you live this way you can fill up energy in each corner of your being. —— written in 1997 by the late Yamamoto Yukitaka Sendai Guji 96 Generation High Priest of Tsubaki Okami Yashiro
The Bishop the Nichiren Shu Buddhist Order of North America
Rev. Myokei Caine-Barrett
Myokei Caine-Barrett currently holds the position of Bishop of the Nichiren Shu Buddhist Order of North America. She is the first woman and the first American to hold this position. She is also the first American woman and first person of African American-Japanese descent to be fully ordained, having completed this process in 2007 with Archbishop Nissho Uchino in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. She is the guiding teacher and priest at Myoken-ji Temple in Houston, Texas. Myokei Shonin currently volunteers with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as clergy to two prison Sanghas for the past 16 years in keeping with the Lotus Sutra teaching of full equality of all beings. Her writings have been published in a variety of Buddhist magazines and newspapers and is featured in “The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women.” She is currently developing curriculum for (1) the Nichiren Shu tradition and the Lotus Sutra and (2) dealing with the trauma of incarceration and racism. She also supports weekend trainings for Healing Warrior Hearts, a Texas for Heroes project designed to truly welcome veterans home. She is also a licensed Religious Science practitioner.
Nichiren Shu Priest
Kanjin Cederman Shonin
Kanjin Cederman Shonin was born in Wheatfield, NY. When he was 18, he became a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Tien Tai tradition. At the age of 23 he moved to Toronto where he met Tsukamoto Shonin, head minister of the Toronto Nichiren Shu temple. Tsukamoto Shonin gave Cederman Shonin a copy of the Lotus Sutra. Then Shami Cederman became convinced that the Lotus Sutra was the highest teaching of the Buddha. Kanjin Shonin studied with Rev Tsukamoto for 13 years. In 2007 Rev Cederman attended Shingyo Dojo at Mount Minobu in Japan where he completed his studies and became a Nichiren Shu priest. In June 2010 he attended Reidan training in Tokyo, and in November 2010 he attended Aragyo at Onjuin in Chiba, Japan. Kanjin Shonin is Abbot and head priest of 長栄山円教寺 Choeizan Enkyoji Temple of Seattle and 祥栄山円教寺 Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple of Rochester and the 円教寺 Enkyoji Network of Nichiren Shu Buddhist Temples and Sangha World Wide.
Nichiren Shu Priest
Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick
Ryuei Michael McCormick has been practicing Nichiren Buddhism since he was introduced to the chanting of the “Sacred Title” (Odaimoku) of the Lotus Sutra when he was in high school over thirty years ago. In the spring of 2001, he completed Shingyo Dojo at Kuonji Temple on Mt. Minobu and was fully ordained as a Nichiren Shu priest. He is currently serving as minister to the San Francisco Bay Area Nichiren Sangha. He is the author of: Lotus in a Sea of Flames, Lotus Seeds: The Essence of Nichiren Shu Buddhism, Lotus World: An Illustrated Guide to the Gohonzon, and Open Your Eyes: A Nichiren Buddhist View of Awakening. These books, other writings, and information about his Sangha can all be found at https://www.nichirenbayarea.org.
Tendai Shu Priest
Rev. Monshin Paul B. N. Naamon
Reverend Monshin Paul B. N. Naamon is the Jushoku (Abbot) of Jiunzan Tendai-ji, of Tendai Buddhist Institute, a Tendai Buddhist temple, teaching, retreat, and meditation center, located in the Berkshire foothills in upstate New York. It is also the Tendai-shu New York Betsuin (Branch temple of Enryakuji), the Head Temple of Tendai Buddhism in North America. He was an interdisciplinary professor, in Buddhism, East Asian studies, and biomedical anthropology at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, in Great Barrington, MA. He retired from college teaching in 2016. He is the author of professional papers and articles in human biology, anthropology, Buddhism and Japanese culture, in Japan and the U.S.
Shingon Koyasan Priest
Rev. Ryuzen Hayashi
Rev. Ryuzen Hayashi is a Shingon Buddhist priest at the Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin temple in Los Angeles. Born in Kyusyu, Japan, he graduated from Shu-chi-in University, the oldest university in Japan. In Koyasan, Japan, Rev. Hayashi studied to become a Shingon esoteric Buddhist priest. Rev. Hayashi joined the Los Angeles Koyasan in 2012, the temple’s centennial anniversary.
Shingon Koyasan Priest
Rev. Kosho Finch
Rev. Kosho George Finch is a Shingon Buddhist priest at Henjyoji Shingon Buddhist temple in Portland, Oregon. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Rev. Finch attended Michigan State University where he studied International Relations and East Asian Languages, and later Willamette University College of Law. Rev. Finch began his Shingon training at Northern California Koyasan Temple. He received tokudo, novice ordination in 2000, and final ordination in 2006. He has served as an assistant minister with various Shingon temples in America and became head minister of Henjyoji Shingon Buddhist Temple since 2019.
Stephen K. Hayes
Stephen K. Hayes has spent his entire adult life in pursuit of perfection through the Asian martial arts and spiritual traditions. In 1983, he began his study of Shugendo with Japanese teachers. He was ordained as a teacher of the esoteric Buddhist tradition in 1991. He regularly served in the 1990s as personal protection escort and security advisor for the Dalai Lama of Tibet. He has studied the Sakya Tibetan practice of Vajrakilaya since 1996, visiting monasteries in Tibet, India, and Nepal to find lessons. He received the Shugendo title Dai Sendatsu “Great Path Leader” in 2014. He is the author of 23 books which translate the timeless knowledge of the East into pragmatic lessons for contemporary Western life. He spends much of the year traveling the world as a teacher, translating his background in martial and meditation arts into practical lessons for handling the pressures and uncertainties of life. http://StephenKHayes.com
Theravada Monk
Bhante Bhikkhu Ananda
Bhikkhu Ananda is a socially engaged Buddhist monk of Nepal who entered the Order of Theravada Buddhism in 1981. He mastered in Oriental and Buddhist Studies. Ananda helped coordinate the “Civic Solidarity for Peace” movement to end a decade of war (1995-2005) between the Maoist Insurgency and the State of Nepal. From 2007 to 2012, as a Member of Constituent Assembly and Legislature Parliament, he secured religious rights and reservations in the new constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. In 2007, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) of Korea named him an “Ambassador for Peace.”.
Haiku Master
William Seiyo Sheehan
William Seiyo Sheehan is the resident Haiku poet at the Japanese Culture Center and a published poet. He is also the leader of the Chicago Keikokai of Meifu Shinkage Ryu style of ShurikenJutsu at Japanese Culture Center - 日本文化会館, and lay Buddhist chaplain at the Jesse Brown VA Hospital, dojo Cho 道場長 of Shinbukan and Army combat veteran. Seiyo Sensei is a religious scholar from Purdue Fort Wayne University, Buddhist Lay Chaplain at the Jesse Brown Veterans Administration Hospital, Board member of Midwest Buddhist association, Lay Priest ordained by Bright Dawn, a Jodo Shinshu organization. Sensei is also involved with Midwest Buddhist Temple of Chicago.
Chado Master
Omar Francis
Omar Francis is a licensed instructor in The Urasenke Tradition of Chadō, commonly known as the Japanese Tea Ceremony. First introduced to Chadō at the University of Illinois (USA) in 1992, he was later admitted into the Midorikai program for a year of intensive training at the Urasenke headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. Since then, he has continued his studies as a member of the Chicago Association of Urasenke, taking part in many educational and cultural activities. Francis Sensei is currently teaching at the Japanese Culture Center (japaneseculturecenter.com) in Chicago, IL.
Shodo/Budo Master
William Reed
William Reed is from the USA, but is a long-time resident of Japan. Currently a professor at Yamanashi Gakuin University, in the International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA), where he teaches Calligraphy and Kanji Culture, as well as other courses related to Samurai Code and Culture, and is Co-Director of Japan Studies. As a Calligrapher, he holds the highest possible rank, a 10th-dan in Shodo and is Vice-Chairman of the Nihon Kyoiku Shodo Renmei, and is also a Certified Graphology Adviser from the Japan Graphologist Association. He has won numerous awards in International Competitions, and regularly participates in Exhibitions in Ginza Tokyo, and did a full private exhibition in the lobby of the Yamanashi Chuo Bank Headquarters. He has done live performances of Calligraphy on Stages, Historic Sites, for Martial Arts Magazines and Dojos, Shinto Shrines, and Zen Temples. He has published a book on Shodo in English, as well as two papers on Shodo for the Japan Creativity Society. A regular television commentator for Yamanashi Broadcasting, he also has appeared numerous times on NHK World Journeys in Japan, and in documentaries as a navigator on traditional Japanese history and culture. He has appeared twice on TEDx Stages in Japan (TEDxKG) and Norway (TEDxTrondheim).
Writer, Scholar, Speaker
Duane R. Bidwell
Duane teaches practical theology, spiritual care, and counseling at Claremont School of Theology at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, USA. He is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and practitioner of vipassana (insight meditation) in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. His work has been featured on NPR, CNN, Interfaith Radio, and other media. Since 2014, students have given Duane three teaching and mentoring awards, and he has published several books, including When One Religion Isn't Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People (Beacon, 2018), which is a Christian Century bestseller and a Library Journal "Best Book 2018." Duane serves on the boards of the Taos Institute and the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies. He is also an advisor to the International Buddhist Chaplains Foundation.
Buddhist VR Artist
Maki Schmok
Living in Japan and Canada has influenced the diverse art style of Maki Schmok. An artist for 30 years, she has a drive for challenge, working in a variety of mediums such as VR art, pottery, balloon art, motion capture animation videos and illustration, combining traditional techniques with technology.Starting in 1987, she has received numerous awards and public acclaim, including documentary programs (such as Japan's National Broadcaster NHK). In 2015 she studied with honorary professor Taikō Yamasaki Shingon Buddhism Great Ajari, producing a mandala under his supervision.From 2019, she channeled her art experience, and started cutting-edge VR art. She is the VR artist and art director for the World Heritage Site "Ninnaji VR". She is currently making meditation VR art content that will be available online for download. Her works can be seen online at
Website https://makischmok.wixsite.com/artist
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/artist.makischmok
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBz2fAfkyZFdsPK6jJ8d0HQ
Buddhist Editor, Author, and Mother
Andrea Miller
Andrea Miller is deputy editor of Lion’s Roar and the editor of anthologies, such as Buddha’s Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West. With an MFA in creative writing, Miller is the author of three books. Awakening My Heart: Essays, Articles, and Interviews on the Buddhist Life is a collection of her writings for Lion’s Roar and includes personal accounts of going on retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh and Pema Chödrön; profiles of Matthieu Ricard, Bernie Glassman, and Jeff Bridges; and conversations with Tina Turner, Jane Goodall, and Ram Dass. Miller’s two picture books are The Day the Buddha Woke Up and My First Book of Canadian Birds. She lives in Halifax, Canada, with her husband and children.
Religion Journalist
Raymond Lam
Raymond Lam is senior writer at Buddhistdoor Global and editor of its “Buddhism in the People’s Republic” project. Born in Hong Kong, he read religion and philosophy at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, and Buddhist Studies at The School of Oriental and African Studies in London. A Mahayana Buddhist layman since 2008, he became a religion journalist and began working for the Buddhistdoor organisation in 2010.
Michael VanHartingsveldt
Michael VanHartingsveldt first encountered Asian art and culture at the Royal Ontario Museum when he was eleven years old. He was enamored with the fearsome beauty of Japanese samurai armor. He holds a Master's degree in East Asian Art Business from Claremont Graduate University and currently works as a Jr. Collections Management Technician at LACMA, where he specializes in East Asian art collections. He has delivered a five-part lecture series on ‘Deities in Japanese Art’ at the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (JFLA), where he also works as a guest curator.
Cultural Ambassador
Frederic Hewett
Frederic Hewett is a native resident of San Diego, California and has a deep interest in Japanese culture and the history of Buddhism. His professional experience includes being a program coordinator at the Japanese Friendship Garden of San Diego, the San Diego Yokohama Sister Society, and the TOMODACHI Initiative in the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. Frederic majored in International Relations at the University of California, Irvine and studied one year at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo. Frederic is proficient in Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin Chinese. He is very passionate to learn and share as much as he can about East Asia.
Carving the Divine TV Español
Monje Budista Shingon
Asho Santiago
Asho es un monje budista Shingon en el templo Fudō en Buenos Aires, Argentina. También es un artista de pintura japonesa, especializado en imágenes budistas. Motivado por la ética y la compasión por su activismo en el veganismo desde que tenía 15 años, Asho viajó para comenzar sus estudios budistas para convertirse en Monje Shingon en Henshoji en Brasil en 2017. Luego viajó a Japón para Realizar el Tokudo en Muryokoin - Koyasan y continuó sus estudios y práctica en el Linaje Shingon Sambo-in. Desde entonces también ha contribuido a difundir las enseñanzas budistas en Argentina. Ha traducido 10 libros sobre las enseñanzas y prácticas del Budismo Esoterico al español y abrió el primer templo Budista Shingon de Argentina.
Sacerdote Budista Tendai
Myoren Montañez
El Reverendo Myoren ha estudiado religiones y filosofías de todo el mundo desde muy temprana edad. Pero no fue sino hasta que comenzó a estudiar Artes Marciales que se interesó el Budismo. Myoren comenzó sus estudios formales budistas en varias escuelas japonesas, siendo ordenado como monje budista en la tradición ortodoxa tradicional Tendai en el Tendai Betsuin de Nueva York con el Venerable Reverendo Monshin Naamon, siendo el primer monje Tendai latino. Es el fundador y lider de la Sangha del Templo Tendai de Puerto Rico. Myoren ha dedicado su vida a traducir los textos canónicos más importantes del Budismo, y es el autor de varios libros y artículos académicos de Budismo en español. Actualmente dirige la Sangha Tendai de Puerto Rico y Colombia, publica sus charlas en su blog y continúa compartiendo el Dharma en el mundo hispano.
Puedes encontrar su blog en www.budismojapones.com".
Sacerdote Budista Jodo Shinshu
Dr. Enrique Galván-Álvarez
El Rev. Dr. Enrique Galván-Álvarez es un sacerdote Jodo Shinshu de la tradición Hongwanji-ha (Nishi Hongwanji). Nació en Tenerife (Islas Canarias) pero ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida adulta en el Reino Unido. Es miembro del Shin Buddhist Fellowship UK (SBFUK) y recibió tokudo (ordenación de sacerdote) en 2019 en Kyoto junto con otros budistas Jodo Shinshu de Reino Unido, Canadá, Estados Unidos y Hong Kong. Enrique trabaja como profesor universitario y está involucrado en un proyecto de investigación sobre la globalización de Jodo Shinshu. Habla español, inglés y portugués y ha realizado un extenso trabajo de campo entre comunidades budistas Jodo Shinshu de los Estados Unidos, Brasil y Argentina.
Sacerdote Budista Nichiren Shu
Tarabini Shōryō Shōnin
Tarabini Shōryō Shōnin nació en una familia italiana en Oakland, California, EE. UU. Es practicante del budismo Nichiren desde los 15 años de edad. A los 17 años, se fue a Japón y después ingresó a la Universidad de California en Berkeley, con la especialidad en lengua y literatura japonesa. En 1977, regresó a Japón donde trabajó para el gobierno italiano. Después de dejar su trabajo para el gobierno en 1990, se dedicó a traducir el Sūtra del Loto y los escritos de Nichiren Shōnin al inglés y al italiano en su templo local. En 1993 regresó a los EE. UU. para entrar en la Universidad de California en Riverside, especializándose en estudios budistas y en la lengua china moderna y clásica, además se convirtió en miembro del templo Nichiren Shu Minobusan Betsuin en Los Ángeles. En 1995, comenzó sus estudios como monje novicio con su maestro, el Rev. Shōkai Kanai. En 1998 regresó una vez más a Japón y ingresó en el Templo Jōkyōji, terminó sus estudios y entró en el monasterio del Templo Principal Kuonji de Nichiren Shū, en la cima del Monte Minobu. Permaneció en Jōkyōji hasta 2001 antes de ser transferido por la Nichiren Shū para dirigir el Templo de Londres hasta 2005. Después de lo cual regresó a Italia y fundó el Templo de Renkōji, estableciendo también sucursales en Italia, Francia, España y otros países europeos y africanos. El Rev. Tarabini es también traductor y autor de numerosos libros en una variedad de idiomas.
Practicante Budista Zen Rinzai
ENen Lilian Gomez Daishi
Originaria de la Ciudad de México, en el año 2000 ENen Lilian Gomez entró al monasterio de Sogenji en Japón. En 2009 Shodo Harada Roshi ofreció la ceremonia de apertura de One Drop México. ENen ha estado a cargo del zendo desde entonces: traduciendo sutras, enseñanzas y haciendo disponible la práctica estricta con Harada Roshi para los hispanoparlantes. Zazen semanal, canto de sutras y retiros mensuales se ofrecen en el templo de Mérida Yucatán.
Practicante Budista Soto Zen
Daniel Terragno Roshi
Daniel Terragno Roshi nació en Santiago de Chile. En los 60’s se trasladó a San Francisco, California. Luego de algún tiempo, se unió a un grupo Gurdjieff y practicó el Trabajo por casi 20 años. En 1986 Daniel comenzó a practicar meditación, dejó el grupo Gudjieff, y en 1988 se unió a la California Diamond Sangha. Esta sangha es un linaje Soto Zen, proviniendo de Harada Roshi y Yasutani Roshi, e incluye elementos y prácticas de la tradición Rinzai. Daniel estudió con John Tarrant Roshi y en 2001 pasó a ser su heredero en el Dharma. Ha trabajado como voluntario en hospicios, ha enseñado Zen en prisiones y a gente en programas de recuperación de uso de drogas y alcohol. Actualmente Daniel vive en Sebastopol (California), donde fundó el Rocks and Clouds Zendo. Además, lidera el grupo Zen en el Yellow Springs Dharma Center, y las sanghas Zen Montañas y Mar en Chile y Zen Viento del Sur en Argentina. Es autor de Queridos Bodisatvas, (Amazon) una compilación de charlas Dharma a sus sanghas en América Latina.
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