How can you support Yuji for his outrageously outlandish journey?
Aside from committing the last six years of my life to this project, I’ve devoted a great deal of my own financial resources to getting the project to this point, including buying a professional video camera (Canon C300), lenses, audio equipment, lighting, tripod, 16 terabytes external hard drive, and so on – not to mention all the travel expenses and other miscellaneous items I paid for. In other words, in order to realize this documentary, I’ve made a great deal of sacrifice. This film was my life and still is my life.
While I still continue working with a music composer to fine-tune the scenes, the film is nearly complete.
However, I have realized completing the film is only the first step in this industry. In order for people to even know my film exists, I have to venture into the world of marketing, especially social media. By using YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, I will promote the film so that it will receive the respect it deserves. In the end, the film will be taken seriously and be distributed around the world. I believe this documentary, which shows the modern day life of the people who carry on a 1400-year-old legacy, will be able to accomplish this goal.
So this is where I could use your support.
Support Yuji and his magnificent film,
Carving the Divine.
The release of Carving the Divine, I strongly believe, will positively uplift the community of Buddhist sculptors and practitioners of Eastern religion.
My next step is to promote Carving the Divine so that it will be taken seriously. In the 21st century, we can’t ignore the power of digital marketing and social media. I will diligently work on this front with the help of an expert. This is a monthly expense and it is a challenge for a starving filmmaker to come up with that money every month to keep the operation going. Starting from the price of a cup of coffee a month, you could become a patron and support the future of Carving the Divine.
To become a patron, please click the picture icon!
Can’t make a commitment like PATREON? No problem! You can make a one-time donation to our INDIEGOGO campaign! Aside from the monthly operational expense, the film festival submission fee is another killer factor to send Yuji to the state of chaotic bankruptcy. Any support will lift up Yuji’s spirit so that he can come out of the Buddhist hell and thrive.
To make a donation, please click the picture icon!
If you can't financially support Carving the Divine, please support me by being a part of my email list, liking my Facebook page, subscribing to my YouTube channel, and following me on Twitter and Instagram.
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