Carving the Divine presents
Butsuzōtion: A blog dedicated to
Japanese Buddhist sculpture appreciation
Meet Our Chief Blogger
David Bilbrey
David Bilbrey is a Southern California based sculptor who actively pursues figure sculpting in all mediums. After earning a BFA at the University of Central Missouri, it was a trip to Kyoto in 2006 that brought him face-to-face with a class of sculpture that is impossible to accurately contextualize through published works alone. He has vigorously studied the creation processes and artists involved with the historic production of Butsuzō, and brings a unique and infectious energy to the table when discussing all aspects of Japanese Buddhist statuary.
What is Butsuzōtion? Watch the Interview and Join the Movement!
Interested in writing for Carving The Divine?
If you have an affinity or intimate insight for bustuzō that you’d love to share, it would be wonderful if you’d consider writing for our blog, Butsuzōtion.
We are not looking for travel blogs — Our aim is to educate and increase an appreciation for bustuzō that goes deeper than the surface of simple admiration. If you love to discuss the history, the deeper symbolism or techniques of this unique form of Japanese art, then feel free to reach out for our consideration to publish your writing. Together, we can build a community for sharing and helping others gain a deeper understanding for these beautiful sculptures.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you and having you join Carving the Divine's Butsuzōtion!
More information please email at daibusshi@gmail.com
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